A Perfect Pear
Two peas in a pod
Our beautiful Heartbeet journey was born in Bloemfontein, Free State. It started with two friends, both married to professional rugby players, both busy with 2 different chapters in their lives.
Jenske, newly wed and mindful of what her husband needs to be at the peak of his game. This entails constantly being well aware of the dedication and healthy lifestyle decisions necessary to maintain the utmost fitness levels, mainly because he spent long hours in the gym and on the training field.
Anje, sharing the same mindfulness and sentiment regarding her husband’s health, had another concern. Her Mother was fighting cancer and she formed part of the support system trying to conquer this terrible disease. Extensive research was the building blocks to find an option for the body and immune system to heal and strengthen again after intense chemotherapy, with optimal nutrition in mind.
Both journey’s concluded that alternative health measures needed to be in place and substandard supplements, caffeine and sugar needed to be cut out.
Research, personal experience and testimonies about the benefits of Raw nutrition was so mind staggering it lit the spark in the event that unfolded into a complete juicing expedition for both Jenske and Anje. Newly converted “juice heads” we knew we wanted to help others.
Perfect Pear
A short while after, the Heart Beet family expanded and Lize was the new pea in the pod transforming our duo into the perfect pear.
Living with Type1 diabetes she is a perfect example that juicing can lower your HBA1c. Knowing the heart of our business and sharing our love for juicing she is currently running the Pretoria branch like a Boss Beet. We are ever expanding and growing our roots, excited for what is yet to come.
Join the Heartbeet journey today.
Much love
Jenske, Anje & Lize