Turnip The Beet
Purposeful cleansing is a way to reset (and heal) your mind and body. Whether you’re in need of a serious lifestyle change or looking to kick-start your weight loss regime, re-establishing your connection to food is the first step. In our fast-paced lifestyles we get so caught up in the daily grind, we tend to forget to give our bodies the TLC it needs and deserves.
It’s all about the journey- Let’s get started.
The more you prepare beforehand the easier it will be. In the time leading up to your juice cleanse you have the opportunity to set the stage for how successful you will be on your cleanse, and how efficiently your body will be able to detox.
Cut out the nasties. Removing all sugar, wheat, caffeine and processed food 3-4 days before you start, will aid in the whole cleansing process, and help introduce your body to living without all the unhealthy foods.
Incorporate the healthies. Mix it up with yummy veggies, especially those dark vibrant colours- go for lots of dark green, purple, red and yellow ingredients. Dig into fruit, nuts, seeds, chicken, fish, beans, legumes and lentils.
It is very important to keep hydrated. Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water daily -add things like fresh lemon juice, or a few slices of cucumber.
Try your best to avoid:
- Alcohol
- Caffeine drinks and coffee-switch to green tea if you get caffeine headaches
- Soft drinks
- Red meat
- Cured or processed meat (bacon, sausages)
- White flour products (pasta, bread, cookies, crackers)
- Refined sugars and all products containing them
- Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, NutraSweet
- Dairy (milk, cheese)
During the detox
Yay, your juices have just arrived frozen. We freeze our juices to keep the nutrients and enzymes from deteriorating. Defrost your 4 juices for the next day – the night before and keep them refrigerated until it’s time to enjoy them. If you are not planning to start your detox right away, keep them frozen.
Begin each morning with a glass of warm water with lemon, and your WAKEY WAKEY Electrolyte shot. This will give you the kick start you normally get from coffee. Sip on a new juice every 3 hours throughout the day. You can enjoy your herbal tea anytime you feel like something extra.
Your energy levels tend to change during a cleanse, so pay attention to what your body wants. Limit yourself to light expertise, like long walks or yoga. If you feel you have more energy slowly start getting back into your normal training program. Take a long, relaxing and detoxifying nightly bath, just add some Epsom salt or lavender oils.
Post Detox
Transitioning back to your normal life and diet.
Congratulations, you have successfully completed your detox- with no cheating! Now back to reality..
Ease into solid food post-cleanse. Take it slowly, the pizzas and steaks are not going anywhere. Take this opportunity to incorporate healthier dietary choices and lifestyle choices to be the best you. Don’t shock your digestive system with a heavy meal. Avoid alcohol, red meat, fried and processed foods on day 1& 2 post detox.
AND REPEAT… Your detox every couple of months!